Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 28 April 2020, 7pm, Filesize: 315mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Original Inhabitants
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest of any Councillor
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7. Petitions to Council
  • 8. Minutes of Advisory Committees
  • 8.1 Assembly of Councillors Record
  • 9. Reports by Special Committees
  • 10. Reports by the Organisation
  • 10.1 Smoking bans for all Bayside beaches inlcuding Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, Brighton Dunes and surrounds
  • 10.2 Response To Notice Of Motion - 292 - Trial Graffiti Removal Hampton Street Major Acitity Centre
  • 10.3 Wilson Recreation Reserve - Brighton Grammar School
  • 10.4 2020 Bright n Sandy Food and Wine Festival Review
  • 10.5 Commitment to Electricity Procurement for Large Market Sites and Public Lighting, and Small Market Sites
  • 10.6 Council Plan 2017-21 (2020 Review)
  • 10.7 Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Land adjoining 2A Maysbury Avenue, Brighton
  • 10.8 Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Road Adjoining 28 & 30 Boxshall Street, Brighton
  • 10.9 Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Land adjoining 173 Bluff Road, Black Rock (Stage 2)
  • 10.10 Proposal to enter into a lease of Council Depot at 144 Talinga Road, Cheltenham
  • 10.11 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 11. Reports by Delegates
  • 12. Urgent Business
  • 13. Notices of Motion
  • 13.1 Notice of Motion - 294 - Proposed roundabout upgrade and pedestrian crossing at corner Church / St Andrews Streets, Brighton
  • 14. Confidential Business
  • 14.1 Minutes of the Chief Executive Officer's Employment Matters Committee held on 20 April 2020
  • 14.2 Negotiations in relation to the CSIRO site
  • 14.3 Proposed Transfer of Ownership of Regional Kitchen Pty Ltd
  • Previous Meetings