Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 18 April 2023, 6.30pm, Filesize: 908mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Country
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest of any Councillor
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7. Petitions to Council
  • 7.1 Petition for Council to extend and update the Sandringham Skatepark at Royal Avenue, Sandringham
  • 7.2 Joint Letter from resident of Ardoyne Street Black Rock - Parking Restrictions
  • 8. Minutes of Advisory Committees
  • 8.1 Records of meetings held under the auspices of Council
  • 8.2 Minutes of the Bayside Arts and Gallery Advisory Committee meeting held on 22 March 2023
  • 8.3 Minutes of the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting held on 29 March 2023
  • 8.4 Minutes of the Billilla Advisory Committee held on 30 March 2023
  • 9. Reports by Special Committees There were no Reports by Special Committees
  • 10. Reports by the Organisation
  • 10.1 Year 3 Review of Council Plan (2021–25) and development of the 2023–24 Annual Action Plan
  • 10.2 Proposed Annual Budget 2023–24
  • 10.3 7 Well Street, Brighton - Pocket Park Design Update
  • 10.4 Planning Scheme Amendment C187 - Environmentally Sustainable Development Local Policy - Panel Report Recommendations
  • 10.5 Sandringham Health and Wellbeing Precinct Network
  • 10.6 Update on discussions for the establishment of a South Eastern Biodiversity Network
  • 10.7 Footpath Treatment within the road reserve policy review
  • 10.8 Proposed Sale of Land adjoining 34 and 2/36 Raynes Park Road, Hampton
  • 10.9 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 11. Reports by Delegates
  • 12. Urgent Business
  • 13. Notices of Motion
  • 14. Confidential Business
  • 14.1 Minutes of the Chief Executive Officer's Employment Matters Advisory Committee held on 13 February 2023
  • Previous Meetings