Planning & Amenity Meeting Date: 16 July 2019, 7pm, Filesize: 703mb
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1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting 4. Matters of Decision 4.1 3 Glebe Avenue, Cheltenham Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit Application No: 2018/774/1 Ward: Southern 4.2 34A Head Street, Brighton Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit Application No: 2019/119/1 Ward: Northern 4.3 17B & 19 Halifax Street, Brighton Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit Application No: 2019/26/1 Ward: Northern 4.4 9 Barnet Street, Highett Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit Application No: 2018/645/1 Ward: Central 4.5 1 Ruxton Rise, Beaumaris Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit Application No: 2018/515/1 Ward: Southern 4.6 17 North Road, Brighton Notice of Decision to Grant an Amended Permit Application No: 2012/382/2 Ward: Northern 4.7 128 Bluff Road, Black Rock Extension of Time - Approve Application No: 2010/224/5 Ward: Southern 4.8 91 Bluff Road, Black Rock Extension of Time - Approve Application No: 2014/130/1 Ward: Southern 4.9 12 North Road, Brighton Secondary Consent - Approve Application No: 2016/429/1 Ward: Northern 4.10 1/12 Minnie Street, Sandringham Secondary Consent -Refuse Application No: 1996/2018/1 Ward: Central 4.11 Statutory Planning VCAT Report 4.12 2 Major Street, Highett Support the Grant of a Permit (Consent Order) Application No: 2017/563/1 Ward: Central 5. Confidential Business
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