Planning & Amenity Meeting Date: 11 August 2020, 5pm, Filesize: 402mb
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1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting 4.1 2-6 Fern Street, Black Rock - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/176/1 4.2 2B North Road, Brighton - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/106/1 4.3 10-12 Foam Street, Hampton - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2019/307/1 4.4 28-34 Service Street, Hampton - Support the Grant of a Permit Application No: 2019/662/1 4.5 107 Pellatt Street, Beaumaris - NOD to Grant a Permit 2020/2/1 4.6 1 Correa Avenue, Cheltenham - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/121/1 4.7 88 Reserve Road, Beaumaris - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/114/1 4.8 10 Coral Avenue, Beaumaris - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2019/503/1 4.9 34 Waltham Street, Sandringham - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/234/1 4.10 67 Teddington Road, Hampton - NOD to Grant a Permit Application No: 2020/175/1 4.11 80 William Street, Brighton - NOD to Grant an Amendment to a Permit Application No: 2012/135/2 4.12 9 Ruxton Rise, Beaumaris - NOD to Grant an Amendment to a Permit Application No: 2017/382/3 4.13 1-3 / 429 & 429A Bay Street, Brighton - Support the Grant of a Permit (VCAT Consent Order) Appl 4.14 Statutory Planning - VCAT Report (July 2020)
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