Ordinary Meeting of Council - Part 1   Date: 20 February 2018, 7pm, Filesize: 657mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Original Inhabitants
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest of any Councillor
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7.1 Petition: Changes to Parking Restrictions in Well Street, Brighton
  • 7.2 Petition: Improvement in Pedestrian Safety at the Were Street shopping street by reducing speed
  • 7.3 Petition: Removal of Tea Tree species from Chelsea Street Brighton
  • 8. Minutes of Advisory Committees
  • 9.1 Minutes of the Special Committee to hear submissions in relation to the Proposed Lease of Elster
  • 9.2 Minutes of the Special Committee to hear submissions in relation to the Proposed Lease of Tennis
  • 10.1 Beaumaris Bay National Heritage Nomination
  • 10.2 Sandringham Golf Course Upgrade Proposal
  • 10.3 Draft Southland-Pennydale Structure Plan
  • 10.4 Amendment C126
  • 10.5 Planning Scheme Amendment C155
  • 10.6 Highett Gasworks - Proposed Planning Provision Changes
  • 10.7 Wellbeing for All Ages and Abilities Action Plans
  • 10.8 Library Arts and Culture Strategy 2012-2017
  • 10.9 Library Futures and Library Service Review - Part Two
  • 10.10 Elsternwick Park Pavillion - Occupancy Agreements
  • 10.11 Proposed Lease Beaumaris Lawn Tennis Club
  • 10.12 Contact No: 13/58 - Extension to Banking and Bill Payment Services Contract
  • 10.13 Quarter Two Performance Report - October to December 2017
  • 10.14 Deed of Surrender and Grant of New Lease to Telstra at 68 Oak St Beaumaris
  • 10.15 CON/17/79 Highett Road Pavement Reconstruction contract
  • 10.16 CON/17/29 Beach Road Foreshore Remediation Works
  • 10.17 Projecting Balconies Policy 2007 - Rescission
  • 10.18 Multi-Unit Sense of Address Policy 2007 - Rescission
  • 10.19 Brighton Little Athletics Club
  • 10.20 Appointment of Gallery@BACC Board Member
  • 10.21 2018 Local Government Bill Exposure Draft - Submission
  • 10.22 Sandringham Aged Care Association Amendment of Deed of Agreement
  • 10.23 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 10.24 Cheltenham Activity Centre
  • 11. Reports by Delegates
  • 13.1 Notice of Motion 266 - Commuter Shuttle Bus Service
  • 13.2 Notice of Motion 267 - Bicycle Repair Service Stations
  • 13.3 Notice of Motion 268 - Senior Citizen Exercise Parks
  • Previous Meetings