Ordinary Council Meeting Part 1   Date: 19 June 2018, 7pm, Filesize: 670mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Original Inhabitants
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7.1 Petition - Leasing Policy Change for Bayside City Council
  • 8. Minutes of Advisory Committees
  • 9. Reports by Special Committees
  • 10.1 Adoption of the Council Plan
  • 10.2 Adoption of the 2018/19 Budget and Long Term Financial Plan
  • 10.3 Delegation of Rates and Charges
  • 10.4 Draft Southland-Pennydale Structure Plan
  • 10.5 NOM 271 - Elsternwick Park South Ovals 3 and 4
  • 10.6 Seasonal Sports Infrastructure contributions framework
  • 10.7 Lease and Licence Policy
  • 10.8 Black and Well Street Car Park Feasibility Study
  • 10.9 NOM 269 - Flashing Lights at New Street and Bent Ave Roundabout
  • 10.10 Major Activity Centre Structure Plan Review
  • 10.11 Integrated Transport Strategy 2018-2028
  • 10.12 Draft Bayside Biodiversity Action Plan
  • 10.13 Refugee Welcome Zones
  • 10.14 Improving Housing Affordability and Social Housing Options
  • 10.15 April 2018 Financial Report
  • 10.16 Affordable Housing Development Summit
  • 10.17 Building inclusive Communities Funding Update
  • 10.18 Cultural and Recreational Land - Bodley St Tennis Centre
  • 10.19 Amendment C150 - Retail, Commercial and Employment Strategy
  • 10.20 Review of Temporary Advertising Signs on Recreation Reserves Policy
  • 10.21 Property Strategy 2018-21
  • 10.22 Digital Transformation Strategy 2018-2021
  • 10.23 Review of frequency of Planning and Amenity Committee Meetings
  • 10.24 Governance Charter
  • 10.25 Risk Policy update
  • 10.26 Customer Experience Policy
  • 10.27 Annual Procurement Policy
  • 10.28 Building Infrastructure Maintenance Service Review
  • 10.29 CON/18/36 Retail, Electricity, Natural Gas, Public Lighting and Associated Services
  • 10.30 CON/17/122 Enterprise Telephony System
  • 10.31 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 11. Reports by Delegates, Urgent Business, Notices of Motion
  • 14. Confidential Business
  • Previous Meetings