Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 18 December 2018, 7pm, Filesize: 660mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Original Inhabitants
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest of any Councillor
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7. Petitions to Council
  • 8.1 Minutes of the Audit & Risk Management Committee meeting held on 28 November 2018
  • 9.1 Minutes of the Bayside Arts Board meeting held on 26 September 2018
  • 10.1 Response to Petition: Hydrotherapy Pool
  • 10.2 Elsternwick Park Golf Course Decomissioning Plan - Progress Update
  • 10.3 Response to Notice of Motion 276 - Tree Retention, Landscape Implementation and Vegetation Prot
  • 10.4 Graffiti Management Plan 2019
  • 10.5 Public Toilet Strategy 2019-2023
  • 10.6 Tulip Street Basketball Courts Extension - Project and Funding Update
  • 10.7 Response to Notice of Motion 274 - Installation of Water Fountains
  • 10.8 Community Engagement Plan for Wilson Reserve and Brighton Recreational Centre Masterplan
  • 10.9 Environmental Sustainability Strategic Service Review
  • 10.10 CONTRACT CON 111207A - Extension of Hard Waste Collection Contract - Selkrig Enterprises Pty L
  • 10.11 CONTRACT CON 111207B - Extension of Green Waste Collection Contract - JJ Richards
  • 10.12 CONTRACT CON/18/105 - Open Space Granitic Pathway Renewal Program
  • 10.13 CONTRACT CON/18/120 - Elsternwick Park Oval 2 Pavilion Demolition and New Building Constructio
  • 10.14 CONTRACT CON/18/128 - Hampton Community Infrastructure Feasibility Assessment and Masterplan
  • 10.15 Lease to Telstra for 20 years for part Banksia Reserve 68 Oak Street Beaumaris
  • 10.16 Lease to Vodafone for 20 years on foreshore reserve opposite corner of Beach Road and McGregor
  • 10.17 Proposed Transfer of Land at Downes Avenue and Elwood Lane Brighton from Department of Finance
  • 10.18 Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Land adjoining 173 Bluff Road Black Rock
  • 10.19 October 2018 Financial Report
  • 10.20 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 11. Reports by Delegates
  • 12. Urgent Business
  • 13. Notices of Motion
  • Previous Meetings