Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 24 March 2020, 7pm, Filesize: 333mb


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  • 1. Prayer
  • 2. Acknowledgement of Original Inhabitants
  • 3. Apologies
  • 4. Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest of any Councillor
  • 5. Adoption and Confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
  • 6. Public Question Time
  • 7. Petitions to Council
  • 8. Minutes of Advisory Committees
  • 8.1 Assembly of Councillors Record
  • 8.2 Minutes of the Audit & Risk Management Committee meeting held on 17 February 2020
  • 9. Reports by Special Committees
  • 9.1 Minutes of the Bayside Arts Board meeting held on 12 February 2020
  • 9.2 Minutes of the Special Committee of Council held on 25 February 2020 to Hear Submissions in relation to the Proposed discontinuance and sale of road at rear of 38-40 Murphy Street and 51-53 Brickwood Street, Brighton
  • 9.3 Minutes of the Special Committee of Council held on 26 February 2020 to Hear Submissions in relation to the Proposal to enter into a lease of the Ricketts Point Teahouse (407C Beach Road, Beaumaris)
  • 9.4 Minutes of the Special Committee of Council held on 4 March 2020 to Hear Submissions in relation to the Proposal to lease part of Sandringham Family Leisure Centre (150 Tulip Street, Cheltenham)
  • 10. Reports by the Organisation
  • 10.1 Business Continuity Planning for Council and Committee Meetings
  • 10.2 Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Masterplan
  • 10.3 Undergrounding of Powerlines - Costs, Benefits and Potential approach for powerline relocation
  • 10.4 Mandatory Height Controls for the Hampton East Activity Centre
  • 10.5 Sandringham Streetscape Masterplan - Response to community engagement
  • 10.6 Planning Scheme Amendment C174bays - Heritage Overlay at 38 Grosvenor Street, Brighton
  • 10.7 Development of an Affordable Housing Policy for Bayside
  • 10.8 Response to Petition - To Install a Pedestrian Crossing on Well Street, Between St Andrews Street and Carpenter Street Brighton
  • 10.9 Response To Notice of Motion - 288 - Foreshore Lighting
  • 10.10 Marine Education, Science and Community Centre (MESAC) Feasibility Study - Project Update
  • 10.11 Cheltenham Football Netball Club Loan Guarantee
  • 10.12 Removal of Committee of Management for Higinbotham Hall
  • 10.13 Proposal to enter into a new lease for the Sandringham Golf Course
  • 10.14 Proposal to enter into a 20 year lease over the Mini Golf facility at 20 Wangara Road Sandringham
  • 10.15 Proposed Sale of Drainage Reserve Land at rear of 15 Berwick Street, Brighton
  • 10.16 Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Land at rear of 38 & 40 Murphy Street, Brighton
  • 10.17 Proposal to redevelop and enter into a 21 year lease at Ricketts Point Tea House, Beaumaris
  • 10.18 Proposal to enter into a 5 year lease over part of the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre
  • 10.19 2020 Australian Local Governance Association (ALGA) National General Assembly of Local Government
  • 10.20 Rescheduling of the June 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council
  • 10.21 Municipal Association of Victoria - State Council Meeting - Call for Motions
  • 10.22 CONTRACT 19/120 - Personal Computer Fleet Replacement
  • 10.23 Council Action Awaiting Report
  • 11. Reports by Delegates
  • 12. Urgent Business
  • 13. Notices of Motion
  • 13.1 Notice of Motion - 293 - Cheltenham Recreation Reserve Netball Court
  • 14. Confidential Business
  • 14.1 Sandringham Golf Links Management - Leasing matter
  • Previous Meetings